A hybrid is when two or more elements are combined together to create something new, i.e. a creature of mixed origin.
Natural Hybrids in Nature
I looked up some hybrids that exist naturally in nature and I found it fascinating! Hybrids are created when two closely related species breed and have offspring. This offspring will have characteristics from both parents, however their genes may not be compatible, causing them problems breeding in the future; meaning most hybrids are sterile so cannot breed further. I have listed some examples of hybrids below:
Liger and Tigon
A liger is a cross between a female tiger and a male lion. Ligers are the largest known variety of cat. They are very sociable animals like lions, but they like to swim like tigers. A tigon is a cross between a male tiger and a female lion. It has characteristics of both, e.g. it has stripes but then the males have a mane. It is possible for both of these hybrids to breed, however they would be of weak health.
LUCAS, . Hybrid Animals [1 November 2015]. Available from: http://www.enkivillage.com/hybrid-animals.html |
A mule is a cross between a male donkey and a female horse. Mules are stronger and tougher than horses and more reliable, so they were bred to pull vehicles and for farming in the United States. A hinny is a cross between a female donkey and a male horse, however these are a lot more uncommon. Both these hybrids are sterile.
Sheep-Goat Hybrid
These hybrids can be called beep or toast. These hybrids are very rare and even when they do occur it is very rare for them then to grow into adulthood. The majority of sheep-goat hybrids die as a baby or an embryo. You would have thought that this hybrid was more common considering they graze together, but they aren't because sheep have 54 chromosomes and goats have 60.LUCAS, . Hybrid Animals [1 November 2015]. Available from: http://www.enkivillage.com/hybrid-animals.html |
Savannah Cat
These hybrids are a cross between a domestic cat and a wild African cat called a serval. This hybrid is widely kept as a pet, which is uncommon for hybrids as they have characteristics of both species and can be unsuitable. These cats are very loyal and can be trained to walk on a lead and fetch, unlike most cats. These cats are known for their jumping abilities, jumping up to eight feet in the air.
WILSON, M., 2011. The Savannah Cat. In: Just a Lovin Spoonful. 28 January 2011 [2 November 2015]. Available from: http://wilsonmw.blogspot.co.uk/2011/01/savannah-cat.html |
This hybrid is a cross between a zebra and another member of the horse family, including a horse, pony or donkey. The zebroid will usually have the characteristics of the horse, pony or donkey, and then have stripes like a zebra. These hybrids are stronger than horses, however they are harder to train and can be more violent and aggressive. These hybrids are sterile.
LUCAS, . Hybrid Animals [1 November 2015]. Available from: http://www.enkivillage.com/hybrid-animals.html |
LUCAS, . Hybrid Animals [1 November 2015]. Available from: http://www.enkivillage.com/hybrid-animals.html
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