Monday 19 October 2015

Completing the Final Look

Makeup - Final Makeup Chart
I decided to use Face Chart 2 because I thought that that added cracked lips looked too much with the scabs on the face as well. I decided to keep the smudges mascara around the eyes because it added to the darkness and messiness of the character and made it look like she has been crying and not looking after herself properly. All the reasoning behind my decision on choosing all the factors in this makeup look are on the blog post before called 'Designing my Face Charts'.

Hair Charts
My first hair chart idea shows my model with her hair completely down, in a rough middle parting. I decided to add a thick gel or oil through the hair to make it look very greasy and dirty. I think that this hairstyle would look very realistic as I don't think the inmates would have bothered styling their hair; however I think that they might find it annoying if it was down because it would get in their eyes and face. 
Chosen Hair Chart
I therefore decided to choose my second hair chart idea because the hair would still look very greasy with gel or oil put in her hair, but it would be loosely tied off her face in a low ponytail. When I watched the documentary on female prison inmates, the majority of them wore their hair like this, so I thought it would look very realistic. I don't want to make it look very neat because I don't think this inmate would take the time to touch up and redo her hair during the day and therefore it may get a bit messy.

I decided that my prison character would wear an oversized, grey sweatshirt. I decided on grey because it is a very dull and lifeless colour, which could definitely describe my character's emotions; this is also the colour that the majority of the prison inmates wore in the documentary I watched so I thought it would look the most realistic. I like the top on the left because it would look baggy on my model; however the image shows the back of the sweatshirt as the front has an unsuitable pattern on it. This means that the top wouldn't hang right on my model and there would be the label on the back showing through. I therefore decided to use the top on the right because it is very oversized and baggy and it isn't as structured as the other top, giving it a much more relaxed and slouchy look. 

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